Psychological Testing & Evaluations

person taking notes on a clipboard

Welcome to Intown Counseling & Wellness, your trusted destination for comprehensive psychological testing conducted by our licensed psychologist. Whether you’ve been referred for testing by your employer, doctor, school, therapist, or you’re seeking clarity on vocational concerns or other psychological concerns, our services are tailored to meet your specific needs. We recognize the importance of receiving the correct evaluation to address your concerns. 


Benefits of psychological testing:

  1. Accurate assessment: Psychological testing provides an objective and accurate assessment of your mental health concerns to better understand the root causes of your challenges and develop targeted treatment plans.
  2. Medical evidence: Whether you need to submit evidence for disability benefits, legal proceedings, medical treatment decisions, school or work accommodation, a comprehensive psychological evaluation conducted by our licensed psychologist can offer valuable documentation.
  3. Personalized approach: Each person is different, and psychological testing allows us to tailor our services to match your specific need. This personalized approach ensures that you receive the most effective and appropriate interventions.
  4. Informed decision-making: Psychological testing can offer critical insights for making important life decisions, such as educational or career choices, treatment options, and interventions.
  5. Identifying learning and academic challenges: Testing may provide clarity of learning disabilities and cognitive strengths, providing clarity regarding helpful interventions, compensatory strategies and executive functioning skills.
  6. Enhanced self-awareness: Psychological testing can provide you with a deeper understanding of yourself, including your personality traits, emotional patterns, and coping mechanisms.
  7. Vocational concerns and work accommodations: Work accommodation evaluations can identify specific adjustments that can enhance your job performance and overall job satisfaction.

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The psychological testing process:

woman healthcare provider talking and showing something to a male patient

At Intown Counseling & Wellness, we are dedicated to providing exceptional psychological testing services conducted by our licensed psychologist. Our goal is to make the testing process as seamless as possible. Here’s what you can expect during the evaluation:

1. Initial Diagnostic Interview:

Your journey begins with a comprehensive diagnostic interview conducted by our experienced licensed psychologist. This interview serves as the foundation of the evaluation process, offering a space for you to openly discuss your concerns, personal history, and the reasons for seeking psychological testing. Our licensed psychologist will listen attentively to your concerns, fostering an environment of trust and understanding.

2. Assessment Tools and Questionnaires:

Depending on your specific needs and the nature of the evaluation, our licensed psychologist may ask you to complete various questionnaires and assessment tools. These carefully selected tools gather valuable information about your mental health concerns, cognitive abilities, emotional functioning, and behavioral patterns. Your responses to these questionnaires play a significant role in providing our licensed psychologist with a comprehensive view of your psychological profile.

3. Collateral Interview and Review of Prior Records:

In certain situations, a collateral interview may be conducted with individuals close to you, such as family members, teachers, or close friends. This interview helps provide a well-rounded perspective on your functioning and allows our licensed psychologist to gain additional insights into your strengths and challenges. Additionally, prior records such as report cards, Individualized Education Program (IEP) records, previous psychological evaluations, and medical records may be reviewed to further understand your background and address any relevant factors in the evaluation.

4. Testing Sessions:

The testing sessions, led by our licensed psychologist, typically last approximately 3 hours, although the duration may vary based on the complexity of the assessment and the specific tests required. During your session with our licensed psychologist, you will undergo a series of standardized tests that are carefully selected to address your unique concerns. These tests cover various areas such as cognitive abilities, academic achievement, personality traits, emotional well-being, and executive functioning.

5. Interpretation of Results:

After the testing sessions are completed, our licensed psychologist analyzes and interprets the results. This process involves comparing your individual performance with standardized norms and considering various factors to gain a comprehensive understanding of your psychological functioning. The results provide valuable insights that guide the development of a personalized and effective treatment plan.

6. Written Report:

A written report, prepared by our licensed psychologist, will be provided within 14 days of the evaluation, often sooner. The report is a comprehensive document that includes a detailed summary of the assessment process, the results of the tests administered, and a diagnosis, if applicable. It also includes personalized recommendations and interventions to address any identified challenges or concerns effectively. This report is a valuable resource that can be shared with other healthcare professionals, educators, employers, or any other relevant individuals involved in your care.

Common types of evaluations: 

person playing with block cubes

1. Test Accommodations for Standardized Tests or College:

For individuals with specific learning needs or disabilities, taking standardized tests like the GRE, MCAT, LSAT, college entrance exams, high school assessments, or seeking college accommodations can be challenging. These evaluations are designed to assess whether test accommodations are necessary to ensure fair and accurate assessments. Our experienced licensed psychologist will thoroughly evaluate your cognitive abilities and learning profile to determine the appropriate accommodations. These accommodations may include extended time, the use of assistive technology, separate testing environments, or other adjustments tailored to your specific needs. By providing appropriate test accommodations, we aim to level the playing field, allowing you to demonstrate your true abilities and potential.

2. Vocational Concerns and Work Accommodations:

If you’re facing challenges in the workplace our work accommodation evaluations can identify specific adjustments that can enhance your job performance and overall job satisfaction. By understanding your unique characteristics and workplace dynamics, we provide recommendations to create a supportive and inclusive work environment.

3. Return to Work Evaluations:

Returning to work after an absence, whether due to illness, injury, or other circumstances, can be both exciting and overwhelming. Our return-to-work evaluations aim to support individuals in rejoining the workforce with confidence and readiness. We assess your current emotional well-being, coping strategies, and any potential challenges that may arise in the workplace. By gaining a comprehensive understanding of your readiness to return to work, we can provide valuable insights and recommendations to facilitate a smooth transition and successful reintegration.

4. ADHD/Executive Functioning Evaluation:

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and executive functioning challenges can significantly impact daily life and academic or professional success. Our evaluations are specifically designed to assess attention and impulse control issues, as well as executive functions like planning, organization, and time management. By diagnosing and understanding these challenges, our licensed psychologist can recommend appropriate interventions and strategies to manage symptoms effectively. We aim to help individuals develop coping mechanisms, improve time management skills, and enhance overall productivity and well-being.

5. Bariatric Approval Evaluation:

Bariatric surgery is a life-changing medical procedure that involves physical, emotional, and lifestyle changes. To ensure that individuals are mentally and emotionally prepared for the process and potential challenges, bariatric approval evaluations are conducted. Our experienced licensed psychologist conducts a thorough assessments to determine your readiness for the surgery and provide support for post-surgery adjustments. We aim to ensure that individuals are adequately prepared to navigate the physical and emotional aspects of the bariatric surgery journey.

6. Parental Fitness Evaluation:

In situations where parental fitness is a concern, parental fitness evaluations play a crucial role in assessing the capabilities of parents in custody and child custody cases. These evaluations involve a comprehensive assessment of parenting skills, emotional well-being, and coping strategies. The findings from these evaluations can be instrumental in court proceedings and child custody decisions. Our experienced licensed psychologist approaches these evaluations with sensitivity and professionalism, aiming to provide accurate and valuable insights to support the well-being and safety of the children involved.

7. Medical Evidence Evaluation for Social Security Disability adjudication:

Medical evidence evaluations are often needed to overturn a denial by the Social Security Administration during the adjudication process of disability benefits. These evaluations involve a thorough assessment of your medical history, condition severity, functional limitations, and ability to engage in work-related activities. Our licensed psychologist will work diligently to compile a comprehensive report that presents the necessary evidence to support your claim for disability benefits. Our goal is to ensure that you receive the benefits you rightfully deserve to assist you in maintaining financial stability and accessing necessary medical care.

two people in an appointment room sitting facing each other

Fees for testing range from $1800 – $2300
We do not accept insurance for testing

To make an appointment or to find out more information about psychological testing at Intown Counseling & Wellness, please call (404) 478-9890 or to expedite your appointment request, please make your request using our website, We generally process appointment inquiries Monday – Friday between 10 a.m.- 6 p.m.