Vocational Assessment

Our Vocational Assessment incorporates medical, psychological, social, vocational and educational data. Vocational Assessment also identifies a person’s strengths, and builds on one’s residual capacities. It focuses on what an individual can do, rather than the extent of his or her limitations. When exploring a person’s capabilities, the counselor/ evaluator seeks information on such broad characteristics including:

  • Work interest
  • General intelligence
  • Adaptive Functioning
  • Values
  • Transferrable skills
  • Physical capacity
  • Work tolerance


As part of your career exploration process you will complete numerous assessments and personal inventories, including the Strong Interest Inventory (Strong) assessment and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) assessment. Our tools provide the latest and most thorough information available relating career interests, personality and work environments and will expand your understanding of both yourself and your career options.

Interpreting the Results of your Vocational Assessment

You will be provided with written and verbal results of your Vocational Assessment. The occupation options provided in your assessment results are linked to the occupations found in the O*NET system of occupational classifications developed by the U.S. Department of Labor. You can find out more about the career field identified in your results by looking up their codes at http://www.onetonline.org. Your career counselor will also help you explore the occupations that were identified in your assessment and many other career fields that may appeal to you.